Hi folks. I must admit that this sign is saying what I'm feeling right now. Between Summer themes, "mommy school," BSF leadership (If you need a Bible Study, please check this out), cleaning my house and keeping our family and home in working order, I'm feeling a wee bit overwhelmed. Please know, I see all of these things as tremendous blessings and don't feel like any of them are unreasonable to be doing. But, with all these activities just starting and not having gotten into the groove yet, I need a little Divine intervention. It's so easy for me to think that I can do all things in my own strength. That alone is so arrogant given that whatever strength I do have has been given to me by my Heavenly Father. So, I'm taking some deep breaths, casting all my anxiety on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and admitting that I CAN NOT DO IT ALL.....but, HE CAN!!! Whew!! Thank goodness for that, right?
I'm going to print this little sign and hang it by my computer. You can do the same. I found this darling design at Jones Design Company. It's a new blog and the author gives a long list on how to better manage time if you're feeling overwhelmed. She has some great tips, but I would add two things: 1. Rely more on Christ than you do on yourself and 2. Pray first! You'll have to scroll down aways to find the sign, but there are more colors you can chose from and you just have to click on the sign to print it. Free! Love it!
Have a great Friday everyone and I'll be back soon!
I started reading this and when I saw the design, I immediately saved it to my computer to print, even put as my background. I need to learn to say "no"!