Saturday, September 18, 2010

Free Design Magazines

Confession:  I love magazines.  I especially love design/decorating and family craft magazines. Yes, I am the person that occasionally tears a page out of a magazine at the doctor's office. Did I just admit that? I did. Goodness.  However, I don't like to pay for subscriptions. I just don't feel like I get my money's worth since I tend to only have use for one or two pages in the entire issue.

Well, this year there has been some great e-publishing going on. There are now two online design magazines that are fun reads and absolutely free (you know that's my favorite word, don't you?).  The first magazine, RUE, is fresh off the web press. The second, Lonny, has been around for about a year, so it might be old news to you. Either way, they both offer some great ideas and lots of decorating eye candy.

I hope you enjoy some free flipp'n. Maybe you can grab a cup of coffee, sit at your computer and take a mom or busy lady break. I'm going to try to do the same this weekend (after stenciling, of course).

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